Infant Dentistry

When should I bring my baby to the dentist for the first time?

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that your child visit a dentist for the first time as soon as their first tooth has erupted, or by their first birthday. In addition, bringing your child to Highlands kids dentistry allows you to get answers to common questions, such as how to care for your child’s oral health, what to expect from the teething process, how to brush your child’s teeth and gums properly, and more. By staying informed, you can ensure that you provide your infant or toddler with the care they need.


What do I expect during my first infant’s appointment?

For most children, age 6-18 months, the actual dental and oral examination is most often and conveniently performed in a “knee-to-knee” position, where the child sits in his/her parent’s lap and leans back into the lap of the dentist for an examination .Your dentist will perform an oral exam, check each tooth in the mouth, and ensure that dental development milestones are being met.then, a gentle tooth brush cleaning will be performed during which we will show you how to brush your infant’s teeth properly .at the end ,If recommended,Fluoride varnish will be applied. We will do a diet consultation and go over your child’s oral habits and answer any questions you may have.